Duct tape (or Duck tape) can before found in a variety of colours and patterns. For the basic colours, I usually go to the dollar store, but for the fancy ones, go to the craft supply store. I've heard of duct tape wallets, and have seen some at a craft show before Christmas. My son begged and begged for me to buy him one. Instead, we came home and made one and he couldn't be happier.
Our community centre camp is for 5-7 year olds so will probably need a parent's help, but the older kids can do this one their own.
Duct tape in a variety of colours and patterns
- Overlap approximately 4 pieces of duct tape to make a rectangle about 5” x 9”
Fold in half lengthwise and trim the edges
To make the bill fold, create a rectangle, approximately 4” x 9” of overlapping duct tape. (About 3 pieces) Fold in almost in half lengthwise, but leave a small amount of the sticky part exposed on the bottom. (about ¼”)
Line up the sticky part of the bill fold pocket to the bottom of the wallet and press down. Trim off any excess.
To make credit card pockets place 2 pieces of duct tape back to back – about 4” long. Leave about ¼” of the sticky side exposed. Fold one of the edges over. Stick the other one to the bottom of the wallet on one side. Repeat. Trim each pocket to neaten the sides.- Seal the edges by using lengths of duct tape equal to the side of the wallet you are sealing. Use a half width or quarter width of the duct tape. (Cut a small slit in the duct tape at the desired width and rip to the end of the length.) Trim any extra bits.
Fold wallet in half. If desired, decorate the outside of the wallet with cut out pieces of different colour duct tape.
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